• EPRBioDose2024,
    Dosimetry Harmony: Orchestrating Unity in Techniques

  • September 25-28, 2024
Hirosaki castle and Mt. Iwaki.

© Hirosaki City


The abstract submission deadline for the conference has been extended to July 31, 2024 for late breaking abstracts (poster presentation only). Submit now.
EPR traing couse details has been updated!
Scientific Program has been updated!
Early Abstract Submission for Student Award has been closed. Winners announced soon!
Early registration has been closed.

Important Dates

Late breaking abstract
July 31th, 2024
Late Registration
June 30th, 2024
On-site Registration
September 25-28th, 2024
Late abstract submission
June 1st, 2024 (CLOSED)
Early bird Registration
April 30th, 2024 (CLOSED)
Early abstract submission
for student award
April 30th, 2024 (CLOSED)

Welcome to EPRBioDose 2024, Hirosaki

Welcome to Hirosaki City, Japan, during the Apple season! Join us for the EPRBioDose Hirosaki 2024 conference, an in-person gathering co-sponsored by IABERD. Explore a world of posters and oral presentations from the biological and EPR radiation dosimetry community. IABERD, born from the renowned EPRBioDose conferences, brings together the International Symposia on EPR Dosimetry, EPR Dating, and the International Conference on Biological Dosimetry. Our conference encompasses a wide range of topics, bridging the realms of EPR dosimetry, EPR dating, and biological dosimeters applied to ionizing radiations. Here, we balance between fundamental research and practical applications, showcasing new data and diagnostic strategies in the frame of the medical management coping radiological emergencies.
We look forward to your participation in this exciting event in the apple-scented city of Hirosaki!